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Television series commissioned by streaming media platform

The Origin

New Faith Network is a new and upcoming faith-based streaming platform. In 2017, the platform was launched from the Dutch media town of Hilversum and is now available to inspire families over seven countries, in and outside Europe. 

New Faith Network was looking to branch out and reach deeper into the local Australian market and produce original content for the platform. They then proceeded to engage Story Strategist to produce their first Australian-based series. “The Origin”. Earlier episodes were produced in the UK, Holland and Norway. 

Each episode has been crafted to follow the faith journey of Australian-based pastors and leaders, learning how they became a follower of Jesus and what impact that has made in their life. 

Case Study | Sunshine Coast | Australia | 2021 – 2022

Project: New Faith Network. Produce original Australian-based content for streaming platform


Story Strategist was able to research and film the best candidates for this series. Durning 2021, the nation still had state-wide restrictions on travel, public spaces, social distancing and vaccine requirements due to the global pandemic, COVID-19. However, Story Strategist was still able to complete season one filled with heart-touching stories from Joel A’Bell, Daniel Hagen, Grethe Stanley and Daryl Lingwoodock, despite the odds. 

In Story Conversations with Els Griffioen, the (former) media manager of New Faith Network, and Stu Harris, the Director of Story Strategist, go into depth about the series creation, behind the scenes, and the importance of streaming these stories. 

Els said,

"These four people are from totally different backgrounds, different denominations but we have so much in common and that's, I think, is also so inspiring to see what we have in common..."

They share the same hope that the series will bring different people, from different denominations of the church together and to see what we have in common rather than what distinguishes and separates us (Youtube, 2022).

Upon the success of season 1, Story Strategist was commissioned to produce a second season. The Origin is ranked in the top 5 television content for New Faith Network. The second season captured stories from the Rev. Tim Costello, Christie Buckingham and Kiran Skariah (PastorSKAR). 

Across the diverse series, the audience receives an exclusive insight into a lifetime of mission-driven and political pastoring justice and advocacy, and the new world of online pastoring. 

Griffioen hopes to see more Australian-based original content for the platform and for Australians to have their unique story’s represented on the platform.

New Faith Network desires for the series to grow in popularity and engage a wide audience to its platform.

Season two of “The Origin” is available now having launched mid-October 2022 for viewers to stream from the New Faith Network platform. Visit New Faith Network to get a free trial and watch The Origin.

Christmas Holidays:

We’re taking a short break. Our office closes midday Friday 22 December and re-opens Monday 8 January. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!