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Artificial Intelligence and the Power of Disruptive Innovation

Artificial Intelligence and it's abbreviation AI are modern and emerging technologies.
The Greek philosopher, Heraclitus is quoted as saying “change is the only constant in life.” From an innovation and technology point of view that has certainly always been true, and for some constant change can be stress-inducing and others are even fearful of change. As we consider the recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence, how do changes like AI make you feel? Is your business prepared for change?
I love these two quotes, both related to the topic of change, invention and disruption.

“We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are.”Max De Pree

“Courage is fear that has said its prayers.”Anne Lamott

Innovation and disruption are two interrelated concepts that have a profound impact on the economic and social landscape of the world. Innovation refers to the process of creating new ideas, products, services, or processes that add value to society, while disruption refers to the process of breaking down existing systems, norms, and beliefs to create new and better ways of doing things. Together, innovation and disruption drive progress and shape the future, bringing about economic and social benefits that are far-reaching and enduring.

One of the most significant benefits of innovation and disruption is increased productivity and efficiency. By introducing new and improved technologies, processes, and products, businesses can streamline their operations and reduce waste, allowing them to produce more goods and services with fewer resources. This, in turn, leads to lower costs, higher profits, and increased competitiveness in the global marketplace. For example, the introduction of digital technologies has dramatically transformed the way businesses operate, from the way they communicate with customers to the way they manage their supply chains. This has led to significant increases in productivity and efficiency, enabling businesses to better meet the needs of their customers and remain competitive in a rapidly changing world. Imagine what advances Artificial Intelligence will bring in the near future.

Another major benefit of innovation and disruption is the creation of new jobs and industries. By introducing new products, services, and technologies, businesses can spur economic growth, creating new opportunities for entrepreneurs, workers, and investors. This can lead to the development of new industries and the creation of new jobs, providing people with the means to support themselves and their families. For example, the rise of the digital economy has created new opportunities in areas such as software development, data analytics, and cloud computing, providing millions of people with well-paying jobs and a brighter future. Some say Artificial Intelligence will replace people and therefore put people out of work. Do you agree? Or, do you think this will free people up from mundane tasks and give people more time to do other things?

A third key benefit of innovation and disruption is the improvement of the standard of living. By introducing new and improved products and services, businesses can help to improve the quality of life for people around the world. This can range from simple conveniences, such as faster and more reliable transportation, to life-saving medical advancements, such as new treatments for cancer and other diseases. By improving the standard of living, innovation and disruption can help to reduce poverty, improve health and well-being, and create a brighter future for people everywhere.

In addition to these economic benefits, innovation and disruption also bring about important social benefits. For example, they can increase competitiveness in global markets, enabling businesses to better compete with their counterparts from around the world. By breaking down barriers and creating new opportunities, innovation and disruption can help to create a more level playing field, allowing businesses to thrive and grow, regardless of their size or location.

Another important social benefit of innovation and disruption is increased access to information and education. With the rise of digital technologies, people now have access to vast amounts of information and knowledge at their fingertips, enabling them to learn and grow in ways that were once impossible. This has had a profound impact on education, providing people with new and better ways to learn, grow, and develop their skills. For example, online learning platforms and massive open online courses (MOOCs) have made education more accessible and affordable, enabling people to pursue their passions and achieve their goals, regardless of their background or location.

The benefits of innovation and disruption also extend to healthcare, where they have the potential to improve the lives of millions of people. For example, advances in medical technologies and treatments have led to the development of new and better ways to diagnose and treat diseases, improving health outcomes and reducing the burden of illness and disease on society. In addition, innovations in healthcare delivery, such as telemedicine and remote monitoring, have made it easier and more convenient for people to access care, reducing the need for costly and time-consuming trips to the doctor.

If you’ve read this far and you had always considered yourself fearful or suspicious of change, then you might be surprised to learn that most of this article was in fact written by ChatGPT, an advanced open AI (Artificial Intelligence) or machine learning model for generating a conversational-like response to text-based questions. Perhaps, you’re more open minded than you had thought after all. There’s a lot of discussion online about AI, and ChatGPT is one of the latest topics of interest in this field. Chat GPT is a Generative AI project and one of many examples. It is described as generative because it requires prompts or variables from the user.

Here are a few links to check out with more on the subject.

GEN-1 A creative solution that takes words and moving image sequences to create new content in new and alternative styles. E.g. automatically convert a video sequence into a cartoon-style image sequence.

Chat-GPT Ask it any question, then ask it to formulate the answer for you in a table or compare information from different sources. There are so many use cases.

BARD Google’s conversational AI model built on their LaMDA tech.

BING Microsoft’s search engine, is getting a massive upgrade and will utilise Chat-GPT. For now, like me, you should join the wait list.

A great article from McKinsey that helps explain Artificial Intelligence, Generative AI and more.

Aside from writing blog content, what applications or use cases can you imagine? 

Are you excited, curious, or terrified by advancements in technology like AI? Is your organisation prepared for change. If you’d like to discuss ideas of how you should be preparing your organisation and equipping your team for new technologies that will help you reach more people, communicate more clearly and engage more deeply to make an impact in the world, then get in touch.

Christmas Holidays:

We’re taking a short break. Our office closes midday Friday 22 December and re-opens Monday 8 January. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!